Embedding from Google Drive

A lot of the work we do for clients tends to be online and I find myself using Google Drive more and more. Not only to share files and documents client information but also as a fileshare. Google recently dropped their online storage costs significantly so it’s a great service to consider if you need online storage space.

Today’s trick is a simple bit of code that can be used to embed files located in your Google drive. The first step you will need to accomplish is to locate the actual fileID of your Google Doc. Open whatever file you’re wishing to embed and notice the fileID located in the URL in your address bar.


Make sure you copy that address as we’ll use in with our next bit of code. Copy the following code and replace [put your file id here] with the actual fileID you located in our previous step.

Embed Code

Just click the above image to zoom in on the code, or copy and paste from the code listed below.

<iframe src=”https://docs.google.com/viewer?srcid=[put your file id here]&pid=explorer&efh=false&a=v&chrome=false&embedded=true” width=”640px” height=”480px”></iframe>

You can easily adjust the size of the embed window via the above code, just adjust either the width or height values. Additionally, the code removes the standard left-navigation bar making a clean embed very simple. As always please contact us with any questions or comments and thanks for visiting!

Alternative DNS Servers

Public DNS servers can speed up your web surfing on the internet.  If you’ve had trouble streaming HD YouTube videos or you’re sick of getting redirected when you mistype an address then you might want to switch to a public DNS server.

Most DNS servers are automatically assigned depending upon your ISP.  For most people, the DNS servers assigned automatically will work well enough.  If you’d like to experiment with load times and just see if you can increase performance of your web browsing, changing your DNS server can be a great start.

Google has created a walk-through that will help you configure your network settings to use their public DNS servers, which are listed below.  The walkthrough can also be used for any of the other DNS servers listed below.  The walk-through covers making changes in Windows, Mac OS X, and the Linux environment.

The PDF walk-through can be found here:
Using Google Public DNS

The direct PDF download of the walk-through can be found here:

Google Public DNS Servers

Level 3 DNS Servers

OpenDNS Servers